You can't defy the laws of project management

You can't defy the laws of project management
You can't defy the laws of project management

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Oracle Trusted Advisor

Oracle Trusted Advisor

Over the past twenty years Praktis Solutions has been supporting clients on their  Oracle journey’ implementing Oracle applications, databases, middleware and BI solutions. Our people joined because they wanted to get away from working with organisations such as Consultancies and System Integration who too often were involved in poor Oracle implementations.

The Oracle marketplace in the UK has seen Oracle Partners come and go, with many acquired by System Integrators and Consultancies. The small so called ‘boutique partners’ seem to survive because they are trusted by a handful of loyal customers

Listed below are prevailing factors which shape the UK marketplace:

1.       Oracle tends to recommend their preferred sector partners.

New clients are shocked to find out that Oracle does award Partner status based purely upon the quality of the consultants and more importantly referencable customers that have actively audited. Oracle manages their partners by focusing upon licence sales  

2.       It is mainly large SI’s (not experts) who respond to ITT’s.

The large SI’s have the resources to support large bid processes and often pull in a partner or contract resources to resource their delivery process . Clients fail to apply the required evaluation criteria and specifically, name the types of Oracle resources they require to underpin the delivery of their project

3.       Companies select their trusted Consultancy.

Management teams often feel more protected when selecting a consultancy with a long term track record in their organisation or industry sector. The old adage about ‘nobody got fired for buying Big Blue’. Many of these consultancies don’t employ dedicated Oracle professionals and tend to sell in expensive and more senior business consultants into a project.

4.       Turn to the Contactor market when the initial Project fails!

Sadly too many Oracle clients suffer at the first stage attempt to implement a solution and burn a significant proportion of their budget before turning to the contract market. The UK contract market is the place to find experienced and high quality functional and technical Oracle consultants. Why?

·         Not one  SI or Consultancy has sufficient market share to run multiple projects in any one year

·         The good contractors ‘don’t sit on the bench’ and are actively implementing new Oracle applications, functionality and technologies

Finding good quality Project Managers and Solution/Technical Architects in more of a challenge and these key resources ultimately define the success of the Oracle project

5.       Companies carry all the risks and fail to engage a Trusted Advisor

Implementing Oracle application and technologies can sometimes feel like you are at the ‘bleeding edge’ of technology or unique in the way your solution is being delivered. Employing a Trusted Advisor can provided the valuable insights you need to make the key decisions that shape your solution design confirm your build decisions and validate your implementation strategies. Independence of mind and with no commercial bias the Trusted Advisor can take you on a journey that avoids all the usually project pitfalls and temptations to customise Oracle!


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